We got the squats!


5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Yep...after 20.5 weeks my golden buff started squatting! Freaked me out at first....got a little tap going on with her feet then flaired her wings a bit as she lowered to the ground. Has done it 2x now. I noticed when i filled the nesting boxes with shredded paper she jumped in..scratched a spot and then lowered and raised her tail feather...i swore she was gonna lay roght then and there...must have just been practice.
her pelvic bone width is 2+ fingers. My other girls...2 buff orpingtons and 3 australorps arent there yet. 1 to 1.5 finger width between pelvis bones...but they will get there.
So now that she is squatting...in general how long before they start laying?

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