We have babies hatched!!


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
North Central Oklahoma
Just got our first batch of new turkeys hatched in the bator. We had five eggs in this run, lost one on day 24, have three hatched and one more still alive and internally pipped. Here's a pic. Already have them sold too, so now that we've got the test run with the new bator out of the way we're going to set 20 more.

Here's a pic of them from yesterday evening.

Johnny, Ed, Agua, and Pogo ... Johnny was the fourth one born and we thought sure we would lose it. He pipped his shell and then nothing. 12 hours later we finally opened the shell for it and he fell out of it and laid there not moving at all except to breathe. We went to bed expecting by morning he would be gone but he was still breathing in the morning and when I set him up on his feet he started flopping around so we moved him into the brooder with the others. In this pic his head was still leaning to one side and he was still wobbly but by tonight he is just fine, eating and drinking and making a huge mess out of the food. Tonight we're worried about Ed now. He's been laying in the corner most of the day. If we pick him up he starts moving and stands up for a little bit. AUUUUGGGHHHH.
Those chicks can run you through the ringer can't they? Nice hatch! And you already have names!

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