We have to cull our roo. He's big. I'm not sure about the best method.

I just grab both legs, watch out for the spurs, step on the head and pull. In the past we've butchered about 60 to 70 birds a day and it was the most humane, safest, and fastest way to kill and bleed them
Are you using a butter knife? Oh I am sorry, that sounded sarcastic,
and killing something is a tense moment. And scarry and very hard to work yourself up to, but I really found the cone and knife fairly easy. Put the bird in the cone facing away from you, so that you are closest to his back, have someone else hold the feet, quickly grab his comb pull back and apply the knife right under his chin.

I can never do the ax, as my aim is not that good, and especially if I have to hold the bird with the other hand?

If you have someone to help, a little moral encouragement, and it is not that bad. If you go get the mean roo at night, after he has roosted, and take a big bath towel to wrap around him till you get a hold of him, it will help.

Gail Damerow (author of Storey's Guide to Chickens) says she slaughters hers by putting them into a killing cone, and then shooting them in the head with a 22 pistol.

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