we have WAY too many roosters, which to take first?

Definitely I agree to keep the biggest and baddest. Just like our deer population in our area. The biggest baddest buck is what you want to maintain a strong large deer population. BUT we did have a rooster that although he was the king he ended up in the stock pot. Took after my husband one too many times. Left me alone haha! We ordered our 25 as 20 pullets and 5 straight run. They sent us 26 chicks and we think we have 3 roosters. It's a waiting game for now.
I've heard that if you keep the roos separated from the pullets they will be less aggressive towards each other. Just a thought if you don't want them killing each other while you're letting them mature to determine who you want to keep. And they won't overwhelm your pullets when they start wanting to mate, which will probably be soon.

Good luck deciding.
I agree biggest baddest human friendly roo is the keeper. I had quite a few "bad roos" in the past 4 years but the one that was by far the worst was my cuckoo marans roo named Earl. He didn't start out bad but got more and more agro as he matured, he lasted about 9 months here before i drew the line. He would stalk me when I was out in the yard,sneaking up behind me when i was crouched down cleaning waterers and attack me from behind. It got to the point that I had to go out with a HUGE 2 by 4 to keep him at bay.....I am sure he made a nice supper for someone.

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