We leave in one day to see our soon graduate from bootcamp!


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
I cannot express the many emotions since my son dropped the bomb on me that he had refunded his college tuition and instead was joining the Marines. But finally the end is near and on Dec 2 we get to watch our son receive tht coveted title. Through all my worry and fear everyone has told me that he would be fine. Well of course HE will be. He's young and resiliant but me, old and stuck in my ways! When he called me to tell me he had a hernia but he was going to muster through I swear I didn't sleep for 2 days straight. I can't imagine doing bootcamp, hernia or not! When he called to tell me he survived The Crucible and broke down in tears on the phone it was the sweetest sound a mother could ask for. I am PROUD to brag that he is graduating as Honor Guard and has already advanced a grade or whatever. We are driving from the Mitten to SC so please pray for clear roads for us. OOORAH to all the military and their families.
You obviously have a good, strong and committed son and it seems that this will be only one of his many accomplishments. You have good reason to be proud.
we lived near camp pendelton and saw lots of these young marines every day, got to know quite a few. they are indeed men to be proud of.

please say Thank You to him for his willingness to serve, from me and my husband, who was special forces.

I know as a military mom you'll struggle between worry and pride... just be proud to know that you did something many parents don't seem able to do, you took a boy and raised him to become a man.

not too many things in the world more important than that, I think.

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