We made the front page....and I need help

Sonia, I am still
for you and the pets. That was the most ridiculous article I think I have ever read.

I think I need to send them the video of Patches. He is a horse that lives indoors. hahahahaha I've had a litter box trained bunny (who NEVER chewed on anything except his toys) in the house for almost 12 years. He passed away in his little doggie bed of old age, happy and well-loved.

Good luck with this and we are cheering you on in Southern Oregon.
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I cannot thank you all enough. I will be setting up an online petition later on this afternoon. I'll post a link here for you guys.
"“We don't feel it's a sanitary situation for someone to house chickens in the same quarters as children,” he said.

Kerr added that the animals could create a nuisance situation since the house on North Drake Street is in close proximity to Titusville High School.

Kerr said it could turn into a matter of “kids being kids” and if students were to see a chicken on the porch, it could end up in the high school"

It's for the children.

You do like children don't you?

I don't care what the issue is whenever I hear a poliweasel justify something by saying "it's for the children". I know it's not. They're simply using a justification that can't be attacked for fear of looking like an ogre.
One of the problems a Zoning board has allowing a deviation from the code for buildings/chickens/kennels/that may be restrictedby code is each varience becomes a precident for the next (irresponsible) guy. Most boards/zoning dept do not go looking, or making trouble, but are forced to follow up on complaints. No complaint/no problem, (but still a violation) I will have to dig this up more but the City of Ashville N.C. was recently looking at allowing hens in housing zones with numbers restrictions and coop location restrictions, (that eliminated small lots). As a former Zoning board member till the zoning code was changed I would have to enforce the no farm animal rule, IF IT WAS BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION. I will also try to dig up what Ashville did, and if the chicken code passed there or not. Till then keep your city illegal chickens clean and quiet.
Your kidding me right... to the people that are ganging up on me that are telling me to back off with my opinion????

One last time... chickens do not belong inside a house wearing diapers. Maybe... for a short time for some illness... but serioulsy, thats pushing it.

My point is that if you don't have a proper space to have chickens, like a back yard, or a proper coop, then don't have them. Period.

Chicken diapers are insane, like keeping a dolphin in your bathtub. Its just not natural. I love my chickens and give them the best food and care possible... but if I moved into a duplex or a condo with no backyard... well, its no longer acceptable to keep them. If I lived in a condo or a duplex with no backyard, I certainly would not elect to buy one or more and keep them in a crate. Thats just not right.

I really hope the town enforces their codes and forces the eviction of these chickens. Send them my way... I'll put them in a proper coop and let them live a more suitable life...
Um, beaconite.... do you not notice the NAME OF THIS WEBSITE? It's BACKYARD chickens, not 1000-acre-minimum chickens. Go head on over to that forum, because this site is about ENCOURAGING chicken ownership, not discouraging it. Heck, I'm for NYC studio apartments having clip-on window coops.

No one is mad at you having an opinion. It's just that your opinion goes against what this website was designed around, so you have to expect some static.

Besides, when I think about the "average" life of a caged egg laying bird... *shudders* Sonia's chicken had it good, darn good, it even had designer diapers.

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