We rescued 2 chickens - one has no butt feathers - what is the best care for this?


5 Years
May 31, 2016
My husband just rescued 2 skinny small hens from a farm where the chickens are squashed and don't have enough room and space to keep them busy. Being my husband - he took skanky looking ones - including

one that has no butt feathers - the others were pecking it. I have attached a photo of this poor hen - is that big lump under the vent normal? It's not lethargic but it's nervous - understandably, being away from its' normal coop. We plan to keep both quarantined from our other birds for a week or so. I have high protein feed as well as feather fixer to feed it. Is there anything else I can do - put some kind of salve on the red skin to protect it? I have Neosporin - without the toxic pain meds in it - also bluekote. These poor hens - I want to fatten them both up and let them free range as soon as possible. Hopefully, my small flock of 6 will accept them both quickly. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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