weak chick, please help!


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
Hi! i just got 2 baby silkies. I was told they are about 1 week old and I've had them about a week. One is doing great, very active and has a good weight. The other one seemed to be doing good until this morning. She is supposedly the same age but is about half the size of the other one. She seems to be a bit weak. she can stand, but keeps her eyes closed a lot and her wings are a little drooped. I've seen her nibble on some starter but have not seen her drink on her own. I've dipped her beak in the water to no avail so I have used a dropper and put droplets of sugar water on/down her beak so she is getting a little water. I've read a lot of different opinions on what to do in this situation. Should I leave her alone in the brooder and just keep giving her drops of sugar water, or should I keep her with me keeping her warm with my body temp? Please help me try to save her. :( :fl
One thing that help one of my chicks when she was having trouble recovering from being shipped was egg yolk. I used a straw ( I didn’t have a dropper) and got some on her beak, and once she got a taste of it, she loved it! After having a little bit, she perked up and was acting normal in no time.
Thank you I will try that. I've tried scrambled eggs and plain Greek yogurt mixed with some chick starter but she won't touch it. She does peck a little at the feed though. She's perked up a little bit since I've dripped drops of sugar water in her beak. Praying she is ok and makes it through the night.

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