weak chick ??


6 Years
May 5, 2016
Orange county NY
my Japanese hen hatched 13 chicks over the past 3 days
this morning I was checking on her and found one tiny chick laying down barely breathing. I picked it up and it was stone cold.
I brought it in the house to give it a comfortable death . after about a half an hour it started to peep. I gave it sugar water with cooked egg yolk. very watery.
it's been many hours now and it still very wobbly. I'm keeping it warm and feeding it minuscule drops every hour or so.
I'm going to slip it under his mama tonight.

I just wanted you all to wish him/her good luck.
We had a similar situation only ours were from the co-op. They had a policy where you could look them over IF you were buying them but they had to box them up for transport. We got two EE's, one RIR and one Blue Andalusian.

We got home and the Blue is seriously barely 24 hours old where the others were nearly easily a week old. Directly after getting into the brooder the tiny peep began struggling. We did some sav a chick and THANKFULLY the older peeps banded together for her and cared for her by making room at the feeder, covering her, checking on her when she didn't get up to eat, etc. She perked up over the next 48 hrs and is now a big girl at 9 wks old! Her name is Tiny Peep!

I was so proud of her mixed adopted flock because they easily could have singled her out to pick on instead of literally taking her under their wing! :love:jumpy

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