Weasel - gruesome detail warning. Need ideas to catch?


13 Years
Mar 20, 2010
North Texas - chickens 10 yrs
I thought I had troubles with my first group of pullets. My mini dachshund got 3, and a feral cat got 1.

So I designed a greenhouse with a chick raising pen in it, secured from predators, and that worked out last winter.

But when my Black australorp chicks came in mid-may, it was hot in the greenhouse and I needed to leave the windows open to keep a breeze moving through. I siliconed white plastic on top, but with 14 chicks I didn't feel I could keep the space in the secure run sanitary enough for them, so I just kept them in the greenhouse loose. That changed last weekend.

On Saturday I left 14 pullets loose in the greenhouse at 2 pm, and had 12 left alive at 6 pm. One was flayed open but not really eaten, another bird was totally missing. I closed the window that faces the fence on the lot, and spent last saturday night screening 3 of the 4 windows. The 4th, the big one I was pretty sure my guest had used, I left closed til I could get to it. And on Sunday, I got out and screened it.

Monday morning I had 6 dead pullets all over the greenhouse. Only one had even been partially eaten.

I found a black and white hair on the screen where the animal had pushed in. Thought it was a possum, but possums don't do this. Thought maybe someone turned a ferret loose. This is still maybe a possibility, but I'm thinking weasel. And so is my uncle who grew up on the farm.

6 birds will fit in the secure run. All has been quiet since Monday. I have a large live trap in the greenhouse, baited with dry cat chow. The weasel came back Wednesday, and managed to get the food without being trapped. Trap was sprung, just nothing in it.

I have a fairly secure run with 5 adult hens in it. And my uncle thinks this is a female with a family to feed. Or not? She only took 1 bird with her on Sunday. Hit between 1:30 am Monday and 8 am Monday (I was haunting the greenhouse area and checking on birds until 1:30.)

I require sleep. I'd like my birds to live. Ideas? (can post pictures tomorrow. Don't mind the mess, I work most everyday in the spring, which now starts in January and hasn't quite ended yet.)

knowing where to put the trap is a good thing... from what you say that the animal went in and get the bait I say you got it set up at the rightr spot. You just need a better trap.
Without a camera you don't know what ate the bait (could be mice, rats, chipmunks, all of which will eat cat food.) Whatever it was was small enough to squeeze through the trap, so you need a smaller trap with smaller mesh openings. Do a search on trapping weasels; there are some good sites out there. Good luck, and so sorry for your losses; I know how it feels!
sorry for your losses.
Sounds more like a black and white cat are you in a resedental are?
I know there are long tailed weasels in texas but they are not black and white
Time for a trail cam.
Any thing that will trap or kill a rat will kill a weasel.
I would suggest the large sticky traps they get stuck on. Work good.
The weight of a weasel is seldom enough to trigger off a Haveahart trap.
Rat traps (the big mouse traps for rats) work good.
Also google "weasel box". I keep 2 or 3 of these around my coop year round.
Good Luck.
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I have a big rat trap, could put it in the haveaheart and put chicken leg past
Trap and trigger. Thawed a cull hen for bait, dog jerky. (another learning

The pens are fairly rat proof but the greenhouse isn't. So weasel can get in.
But birds are safe.

Thank you
I may just tighten up my pens. I would rather relocate the weasel than kill it - but I would rather NOT lose anymore birds. I don't miss the rats it eats, that's for sure... Thank you all.

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