Weather Vs. Egg Laying!


7 Years
Dec 17, 2012
Screven, GA, US
Ok so I have already searched this thread for an answer and have come up short. It has been raining since saturday here hard off and on. Within those few days I have gotten 3 eggs. 1 on saturday and 2 on sunday and since I have had nothing. I am used to getting 3-4 eggs on a daily basis out of 9 hens that are all either just now starting to lay or have been laying since the beginning of December. Can all this wet weather have something to do with it or are they coming to a halt in their cycle? How long do egg laying cycles last? This is all new to me so any information would be helpful! If I add layer feed would that boost them and/or add electrolytes to their water after we get some drier weather? I couldn't afford laying mash when I bought this last bag of scratch and 50lbs lasts me a month and a half with my 12 chickens especially since I ferment my grains. But I also grind the egg shells from the eggs we use to eat to give them added calcium and feed fresh greens daily. But as I was saying any advice on weather vs egg laying?
Egg production should start to increase now as spring approaches - but yes, I do find that the weather is a big influence on production on any given day. The other day here it rained non-stop from dawn to dusk and I only got 2 eggs from 14 chooks - (I average 7 or 8 at the moment a day as some are new arrivals and not yet settled back to laying). Can't say I blame them for striking - I felt so sorry for them all in the torrential rain and mud :-(
If we have a few dark rainy days my egg production is cut in half or less (i have only have 6 hens). I believe they need 14 hours of light to produce an egg. When it is sunny after a rainy say or 2 i know the following day i will have 4 or 5 eggs. In the winter with the shorter daylight hours it will take longer to produce an egg.
Someone please help me!!! I am about to LOSE IT! We have not had any eggs from our ladies since Thanksgiving. We have 18 hens. We also have 2 ducks that layed last week, a total of 6, and now nothing. Folks all around us have eggs and are incubating and selling.... We are in North Carolina, weather hasn't been under 25 on the worst night.
Have you noticed any of your girls molting? Rainy weather? How old are they? Any stress caused to them? There could be many things that are disrupting your hens. But as stated above they should start laying good around the start of spring. :)
(I am also Charmack)Well, it is around 40-70the during the day, and of couse on the warm days it is raining... sunny more than rainy though. They had a fall molt, and they seem very happy within their flocks. We have Wyandottes, Americaunas, and Welsummers and Plymouths. My husband is asking me to trade some of ours out for some breed that is more reliable, but they don't lay as long I thought.
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Yes the weather can and does affect the production from chickens for sure. Spring time seems to be the most productive for every kind of chicken I have ever had.

In your case, I have a suspicion. Your hens are effected more by their AGE rather than the weather. You said some are JUST NOW starting to lay. Pullets are inconsistent at first and this may last a few months. The other pullets you said began laying in December. Likely they also are not on a consistent lay cycle due to their age. AND the fact that it is WINTER and the sun is not out as much surely is playing a role along with age and yes the weather.

Springtime will be here soon. Bring on the eggs.

Best of wishes.

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