webbed toes, surgery


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 24, 2010
I have a chick that was born with the second and third toes webbed together. It made it harder for it to walk well. I decided it was time to do something. I took a scalpel and tried to cut the web, but it would not (after using alcohol on the foot and scalpel)! I then took a good pair of scissors and cut the web. There was very little blood, and no indication of pain. The toe is spreading out. Success!
My you were brave! your chicken also
I am a nurse, and used to work in the operating room. Seemed pretty easy to me. The bird stayed still once I turned him upside down. Does that make me a chicken surgeon?
You are a chicken surgeon.
By the way webbed feet can be an inherited trait. I would not use this bird for breeding in the future.
Wait until the chick has more developed toes. Wait till you can clearly see the web between the well-formed toes, and can make a cut that won't damage the toes. Clean the foot well with alcohol on a clean rag. Clean a good pair of scissors with alcohol. I used hair trimming scissors. Turn the chick upside down. It might help to have someone hold the chick for you. Cut between the toes. The surgery came out very well. It's kind of tough to tell which chicken had the problem. You want to cut far enough that the toes will separate enough, but don't get too carried away. It took time for the toe to start pointing out, but it will happen.

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