Week old chicks not responding to corid.

You're doing a good job looking after them.
I also have two with cocci.
Hopefully yours and mine will get better quickly.
Just a thought, are you also doing medicated feed with the Corid? My poultry vet recommended doing that. In addition, when I was recently treating my 4 chicks for cocci she recommend that I mix some of their medicated feed with some Corid solution a couple times a day and offer it. They love the moist feed and it gets the Corid solution into them.
okay. Thanks. I will start doing this.
Oh I didn’t mean that you were giving them bad or unclean care. I think I missed the TSC part or at least what I must have missed out on is how their age is one week got them coccidia so bad. I shouldn’t be comparing mine at home’s one week old situation to another one’s situation I guess. Sorry. I don’t doubt you’re taking great and clean care of them. When you put TSC in that explained it all but I will say that our TSC at home here does a good job with theirs. I hope they pull through for you. I hate they are struggling at such a young age. So sorry.
I'm sorry! I knew you weren't trying to sound mean about my care. I was in a rush when I typed it and didn't read over it, so I'm sorry if it sounded rude or defensive. Thanks so much for all the help!
Hey guys. I'm really at a loss of what to do. any help is needed!I

Two more chicks are acting like they have cocci, and many droppings still have blood. They have two teaspoons of corid in their water per gallon, medicated feed, with some corid sprinkled on it once a day. I'm dipping their beaks in some corid water with way more than the recommended dose once a day. I'm desperate. No more have died, but some arent looking good. Please help!

Hello. I had 10 chicks, and I noticed that they had cocci. They had all the symptoms, lethargic, bloody poop, etc. So I purchased corid. They have had it in their system for 48 hours. They are still dying. Everything I read says you will see results in 24 hours. I'm down to six chicks. I'm putting one and a half teaspoons per gallon of water. What I saw was recommended for chicks. Any advise is helpful. Thanks!
As soon as I got my Cross Cornish chicks home, I started them with apple cider vinegar in their water. I use starter crumbles that are organic and Non-GMO. I was worried at first about their stool but everything has worked out fine so far. They are my very first chicks. Hope everything continues to improve. I believe it's possible to exchange the dead chicks for new ones at TSC. You might check into it.
They are lethargic, standing in corners, etc. Slow at eating, seeming to examine each individual pellet before pecking at it they are skinny, not keeping enough weight.

I do not advocate antibiotics without a diagnosis, but my vet had me give AmTyl (amoxicillin/tylosin - https://allbirdproducts.com/products/copy-of-doxy-tyl-powder-generic) to my chicks (6 weeks old) that had cocci. One of them had respiratory symptoms though.

Here's a link to the cocci info on PoultryDVM: http://www.poultrydvm.com/condition/coccidiosis, which recommends giving antibiotics with amprolium (Corid).

You'll have to make your own choice, because I am not an expert and am just parroting my vet's advice, but here is what she had me do:
  • Using two waterers (you can't mix the two meds), give 7 days Corid, dilution as directed on label, and 14 days Amtyl concurrently
  • Feed dry medicated feed only, no treats or possible moisture sources like veggies
  • After the antibiotics are finished, give a 5 day round of Corid
  • After round two of Corid, give probiotics in water for 3 days
I had really good success with this and my chicks are thriving now and putting on weight.
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They had all the symptoms, lethargic, bloody poop
They are still dying
I gave them probiotics and electrolytes
Two more chicks are acting like they have cocci, and many droppings still have blood. They have two teaspoons of corid in their water per gallon, medicated feed, with some corid sprinkled on it once a day. I'm dipping their beaks in some corid water with way more than the recommended dose once a day. I'm desperate. No more have died, but some arent looking good. Please help!
They are lethargic, standing in corners, etc. Slow at eating, seeming to examine each individual pellet before pecking at it they are skinny, not keeping enough weight.
Please post some photos of the chicks, their housing, their feed and most importantly their poop.

Is Corid the only thing in their water - you aren't adding vitamins/electrolytes to the water too?

Slow at eating - they examine each individual pellet before they peck at it - what are you feeding including any treats?

What's your temperatures like? In the brooder and where is the brooder located?
Where are you located in the world?

Look forward to more information and the photos.
Is Corid the only thing in their water - you aren't adding vitamins/electrolytes to the water too?
it's the only thing. I heard that if I mix anything they may work against each other.
Slow at eating - they examine each individual pellet before they peck at it - what are you feeding including any treats?
I am feeding 18% protein medicated feed. And no treats, except the occasional bug they catch.
What's your temperatures like? In the brooder and where is the brooder located?
Where are you located in the world?
The temp is around 85-90 degrees in the garage. At night when it cools down I put on a light to help keep them warm. They all seem comfortable. They never huddle but never act hot. I am in middle TN.
Here are some pics. They have straw as bedding, donors hard to get good pictures of droppings. Is you need more, better pics let me know. Thank you so much for the help. It means a lot!
Are they drinking o.k.?

You may want to line your brooder with some puppy pads for a couple of days - this makes it easy to see the poop clearly and tell what color it is.

I think I would see how do do for a few days with plain fresh water since you have finished the course of treatment.

If the whole garage is 85-90 all day long, they may be overheating which would account for the lethargy. Too hot and they are not going to be moving around much.

Anyway you can provide them a cooler area. Chicks only need one warm spot and the rest be cool. I understand - the temps have been brutal here the last several days. They may benefit from fan circulating air in the garage - not blowing directly on them, but moving air.

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