Weird rooster???

I too am curious about this. My rooster has been crowing at 1AM lately...
My New Hampshire crows at 2 and 4 am sometimes. Never one or the other, always both. For a long time I thought the lights from the house were messing with him but even with adjustments he still would occasionally do it. I then thought perhaps predators were messing up his schedule. Even with the dog sleeping outside he'd still do it. Well, after staying up one night I discovered it was actually the rooster down the street who was crowing first. Now my neighbor and I are trying to figure out why his Bantam Game feels the need to crow at 2 and 4 am.

As silly as it sounds we live in the ghetto and we are thinking the long whine of police sirens are causing it but I don't know how we can stop that. Point being, only a rooster knows why he crows. Sometimes they are just punks.
My guess would be Freckles is just a punk then. We have checked the yard and saw nothing around the coop. My neighbors have quiet roos at night so him being a punk is the last option hahaha. Thx
My EE crows periodically at night...he is only 19 weeks old. If I walk out to check the coop after dark he goes off so I am sure they sense things outside and crow. But ultimately...rooster crows when rooster wants to.
There is no light in the coop. We do have an outside light kinda close by, maybe he is hearing things or maybe hes scared of the dark. Maybe he likes to crow at night.haha
Roos crow at night for NON specific purposes. Sometimes a neighbor bird on the roost will move and wake them. Waking means crowing to a roo. It really is not so uncommon to hear them at night. I play a radio at night in the barn. This seems to quiet eveyone down and they are quite used to it. Soothing classical or something on this order does the trick. I have heard that chickies can see infrared light and think the sun is coming up. I do not know if mercury or sodium outside lights have infrared, but my guess is they do.

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