Weird sac on chicken neck


In the Brooder
May 7, 2020
A couple weeks ago I discovered that a hen had blood on her neck... haven't a clue how it happened. After a close inspection I saw two sacs seemingly protruding from the skin on her neck ( one on the back and one on the side) At first, I thought it was a super swollen tick....but then realized it was part of her...for a second I thought I saw it inflate with air or liquid?

I was unable to find info or similar pictures on the net at the time. So we cleaned her off and isolated her. The sac on the back of her neck is no longer there.... but the one on the side still is. She is acting normal, eating drinking etc.... but she has now been isolated for almost 2 weeks and can tell that when she turns and it flops around it freaks her out... and I think she misses her ladies. But am afraid to let her back out for fear that the chickens or ducks will peck at it, causing more harm.

I will attach a pic …. if any of you have any idea how to proceed please let us know.
Not sure if it will help with diagnosis but her name is Graybee ;)
Thanks in advance for taking the time to help we and she appreciate it greatly!
Much love


  • Graybee.jpg
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Does it feel full of fluid? If you feel comfortable with trying to drain it, I would probably try to see what comes out. Disinfectant the skin well and use a sterilized needle. What does the skin look like where the other sac was?
Thank you so much for your help.!

I do think it may be full of fluid.... and although im not comfortable per say to drain it... as a chicken owner ive had to do worse lol

I assume I just pierce it and try to drain it, after disinfecting with alcohol or peroxide?
I just wanted to make sure there is nothing I can damage more in that area by doing so. Do you happen to know what that may be? It does look (to me) as if its coming through the skin,

The skin where the other one was seems to look normal.. with a subtle bump there. I was really hoping this would subside on its own as well.

IM not sure if my ducks could have done this... ben and jerry are little punks this time of year.

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My initial assumption was that she may have been attacked or possibly from the ducks harassing her? I first noticed that her feathers had blood on them and then I noticed the sac... it seemingly inflated out of no where. I think I did see it puff up for a second.... but Im not sure I guess it could have been there. I think it is protruding through the skin but hard to tell really. It is almost tear drop shaped ( with the little end towards the skin) protruding off the skin about 1- 1 1/4 inch. She doesn't seem to be in pain, but It does flop around a bit when she turns her head and that seems to startle her. Its been over a week and she seems otherwise healthy.

Ive never had fly strike, but after A quick search I dont think it is? I didnt see any maggots or anything. And not sure the other one would have subsided??? but as I said I haven't got a clue, sadly. But I hope not that sounds horrible.

Just afraid that if i let her out of quarantine it will get torn open by another chicken or duck. They norm free range together.

Let me see if any of the other pics I took earlier show it better

Thank you all for taking the time to help!! You are very much appreciated!

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