Weird skin


7 Years
Jun 5, 2015
Several of my chickens, and in several months, have been afflicted with bare skin on their necks. It doesn’t appear on other parts of their bodies, nor is it limited to either sex. The outer layer of the skin thickens and turns bright orange. After some time it can be removed without hurting. It takes an extremely long time - several months- before it heals and new feathers come out.
It doesn’t effect the rest of the flock, only one or two here and there. I keep them separate from everyone else. They’ve all been vaccinated for Marek’s, though this condition is not symptomatic of the disease.
I’m clueless here.
Is it time for them to be molting? They will molt around the age of 16-18 months, and every 12 months thereafter. It can take month or two for feathers can grow back.

If they are not molting, then I would suspect feather picking by another chicken. I have used BluKote successfully on bare skin to help keep the other chickens from pecking.
Is it time for them to be molting? They will molt around the age of 16-18 months, and every 12 months thereafter. It can take month or two for feathers can grow back.

If they are not molting, then I would suspect feather picking by another chicken. I have used BluKote successfully on bare skin to help keep the other chickens from pecking.

I wish it was! The others quit molting quite awhile ago. It also would be easier if they were being pecked by the others. I’ve had to separate some for that reason as well. Normally the area getting picked on, in my experience, is one rather small area resulting in a red lesion because of blood, not the orange color I’m seeing. (It doesn’t show well in the photo) One of the chickens has her entire neck involved - obviously the photo shows a rooster.
Good ideas, keep ‘em coming!
Feather picking can become a habit, and can happen due to feeding too low of protein, overcrowding, and boredom if not getting outside to roam around. What do you feed? You can use a higher protein feed, such as flock raiser for a bit, and increase protein with small amounts of good dry cat food, dried meal worms, or 24% gamebird starter. Look for any bullies and separate them for a few says.

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