Weird squeak from 5 week old chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2016
Hi! I am new to BYC and to raising baby chicks. We dove in head first this spring, intending to get 8-10 and how have 27
Everyone has been happy and very healthy so far. I've noticed over the past week a couple of my 5 week old Lavender Orpingtons are making a weird squeak noise as they peck around. The best way I can describe it is like a sneaker on a gym floor. Also, occasionally a song bird kind of sound too (not as concerned about that). Is this squeak normal? I've read about early crowing and it's not a long or loud squeak and they don't stretch their necks out...its like it has taken the place of their cheaping. They seam happy and are eating, drinking and active. Could it be that they are little roos? I have all of the 5 week old birds (14 of them) in a 10x5 dog run with a branch for a roost in the garage, and still have the heat lamp in there between 70-75 degrees. I've added a little ACV to their water off and on. Just want to make sure there's nothing else I should be doing or concerned about! Thanks!
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you've got your hands full already.

What you're describing sounds a bit like the clucking sound a rooster will make to alert hens he has found a good treat. It would be unusual to see it in chicks of this age, even cockerels. That said, I have seen a few chicks exhibit it before, both cockerels and a few pullets.
Thank you! I guess that could be it since they seem to do it when they are scratching around. I'll keep watching for any other changes! Maybe I have early bloomers

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