Weird wild duckling

Not too long ago, I saw a dent in his bill like someone had hit him with a rock. He had it for a while, actually. I haven't seen him or any other ducks with a dent on their bill for a while, so I assume it has healed.
He's still around and he sometimes has a look in his eye like he's going to be a little stinker. He's molting into his raggedy self and looks similar to what he looked like this time last year.
He almost got hit by a rock again. At first, I thought it was him who got hit, but it was another duck whom I think is going to be OK. Trouble was actually only a few feet away from that duck.
How are they getting hit by rocks? If it is kids, they need to be disciplined immediately and told by a figure of authority that hurting wildlife is not okay before they hurt Trouble or any other animals! I hope the little guy stays safe!
X2! I would report them to park staff if they keep it up. Where are the parents?
I said something to the dad and he said something to the kid made him move away from where the ducks were. I don't think it's was 100% intentional, just bad judgement.

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