Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Or He may have said "Oh $%&#!"
but I am going still going with "TA DAH!" :lau
It's a Friday dank and gloomy, Lily pad is all wet, but thankfully it's just drizzle - I think. Green, Green, Green everything is green - my favorite color. :ya
Glad to hear!!! Was watching this morning's weather and was a bit concerned that the waves on the southern and eastern ends of the pond may have gotten a bit rough! A little prayer that all our pond dwellers are safe this morning.
BTW-sorry that any to my south may be caught in the snowstorm tomorrow that was supposed hit us. (I really am sorry, BUT, I can't help a little :yesss: :p )
I don't care for baseball - they just scratch and spit - boring. Football, someone kicks the ball, another grabs it and then a mob jumps on top of him before he can take a couple steps. boring.

What I did love and could follow & understand was Michael Jordan flying and the sweat glistening off his shoulders. Ooooo think I better get over to the sin bin before my tush gets kicked out of here.
Scratch and spit?..... It's been a while since j you seen a game.....;)
Hockey is fun to watch...except in person it is COLD.

Rodeo is always a blast.
Don't care for any sports.... Except baseball.
Hockey and Basketball both move to fast for me to understand. Football is okay once a year...I love watching the Patriots play the Superbowl.
Baseball is a game at stratgey... Right down to each individual pitch. It's basically a thinking man's game. And now with so much analytics coming into the game it can be a chess match. But to each his own.
Same goes with racing.... It's a strategy game.
The fastest car seldom wins the race.

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