Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

I have a spotty LLama named Pajama in my book....

Hi every one   :frow

Welcome, Deb!!! :frow

Hi, Deb, welcome to the Pond.  There's a vacant lily pad just two down from mine.  Sit a bit and watch the way these folks carry on.  :eek:

She is gonna love it here!

Coming from one of "these folks", I'll take that as a compliment ;)

Yup, yup, yup... :highfive:

Why are there always vacant lily pads by you sour???? :gig

Because sour always pushes the kids that can't swim off in the deep end... :oops:
And then there's those rubber bands and paper clips. Watch him; he'll try to charm you with Hamlet quotes.
"To pee or not to pee-that is the question".... Oh wait that's a different one
Chaos did you know about all the dangerous snakes in Australia - far more dangerous than our Pond python. They have a little eye snake with poor vision that strikes blindly at anything within it's reach.
I learned that from Teila.

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