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MRI results are in.... Fibroids and a mass that looks like cancer limited to the uterous.... everything else looks fine...

So looks like I get the biopsy to confirm... and wether or not its cancer I suspect they will do a hysterectomy.... am ok with all that... just hated waiting for some sort of diagnoses...

MRI results are in.... Fibroids and a mass that looks like cancer limited to the uterous.... everything else looks fine...

So looks like I get the biopsy to confirm... and wether or not its cancer I suspect they will do a hysterectomy.... am ok with all that... just hated waiting for some sort of diagnoses...

Sorry you are going through all that. . but glad your getting somewhere with answers. :fl for you to get it all taken care of and have a speedy recovery!
MRI results are in.... Fibroids and a mass that looks like cancer limited to the uterous.... everything else looks fine...

So looks like I get the biopsy to confirm... and wether or not its cancer I suspect they will do a hysterectomy.... am ok with all that... just hated waiting for some sort of diagnoses...

Sounds like they caught it before it spread, which is a good thing... if you can ever call anything remotely related to cancer "good" - you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery! :hugs
MRI results are in.... Fibroids and a mass that looks like cancer limited to the uterous.... everything else looks fine...

So looks like I get the biopsy to confirm... and wether or not its cancer I suspect they will do a hysterectomy.... am ok with all that... just hated waiting for some sort of diagnoses...

So more waiting :hugs:fl
MRI results are in.... Fibroids and a mass that looks like cancer limited to the uterous.... everything else looks fine...

So looks like I get the biopsy to confirm... and wether or not its cancer I suspect they will do a hysterectomy.... am ok with all that... just hated waiting for some sort of diagnoses...


:hugs :hugs
:fl :fl

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