Welcome to the backyard chat!



5 Years
May 22, 2018
Hello! I decided to make an thread where everyone belongs! Just post stories and photos of things you and your hen enjoy! So pull up a chair and Sqauak and be happy! Don't be shy and just do it! In our world we just need some peace! So come on and enjoy a place where we can all be happy and socialize with each other in our amazing flock!! Please avoid anything that could be harmful to others. Otherwise you have FREEDOM OF SQUAK! LETS HAVE FUN!!!!!!! I'll go first...

Me and my chickens love the "waterfall'' in our yard! Today my hen took a swim and then went in dirt! Talk about a hot mess:lau!!!
Raven is the one who went and took a dirt bath! She is the black hen
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George, Year II
This is our Leghorn rooster, George, who showed up last September. After trying to see if he belonged to anyone around us, and finding that he was homeless, he is now ours...it was a mutual decision on both our parts. He did well through our Michigan winter in an adapted section of our garage, but it is time to make his residency official. We now have a coop and will be introducing him to some new friends over the summer. We purchased 6 pullets (3 Black Austalorps and 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes) and are waiting until they are big enough to meet their fearless leader! This is our first adventure with chickens and has been a lot of fun...and quite informative! We are hoping to have a good supply of eggs eventually. As a side note, George still prefers the weeping cherry tree as his perch.

-Michele P.

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