Welded Wire for run, can't find 1X2, only 2X4

I used 2 x 4 and here is what it will look like, I've never had a predator problem, lock birds up at night.

I am building a 8/10 run now with 2/3 welded wire,,the run adn coop will be inside a electric fence with several goats inside it as well,,I think my run will be fine,,never seen many predators around,,will put a tin roof over it to,,
At nearly every TSC store I have been to, the 1"x2" welded wire is not kept with the rest of the welded wire fencing. Instead it is kept with the hardware cloth, usually around the electric fencing. This is usually in another part of the store.
Our run is 2x4 field fence like the pic Snakeoil posted. We added an outer later of hardware cloth ( metal mesh) so the racoons can't reach through and the chicks can't run out. The hardware cloth is about 3 feet tall.

you can get the 1x2 wire at millers island supply in maryland. the phone number is 410-477-9008. good luck!
Yes, I have the same problem with the door. If anyone has any good ideas on how to still use the door / gate and keep critters from squeezing through please let me know.

Our door swings in so what we did was cut a piece of cattle panel larger (over lapping) the door. Covered the panel in chicken wire (both sides) then I used bailing wire or whatever for hinges. I close the main door then I close the chicken wire covered cattle panel next. We actually have one on top and on bottom. Sorta like a split door. This helps keep the little ones from squeezing out the bottom corners and anything flying out or getting in from the top. As for latching, We have the big clips.

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