Well here I am!


5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
La Center WA
There are two kinds of people: those that enter a room quietly and seek out someone they know, and say "oh, there you are," and then there's the kind who bursts in like they own the place and says: "Well here I am!" It probably goes without saying at this point that I am one of the latter.

I started out, like many others who found their way to chickens, with a flock of good older leftover layers whom I "saved" from butchering. Starting with hardy, seasoned layers was an excellent way to go about beginning a flock.

My second year I raised a few dozen pullets, with my SO threatening death upon any that dared to crow, fortunately none did. That fall, however, he stumbled across a rooster being tearfully dropped off at the feed store, a hand raised "not-really-a-pullet" that couldn't live in the city. My SO took it upon himself to not only take him home for me but to trade away one of my own pullets! I didn't stop him because I desperately wanted to hatch my own.

The first chicks bred on our little farm were hatched in October 2012. The hen was a first time mom (she's now my favorite broody hen) and lost a lot of chicks in hatching so we bought an incubator. I hatched chicks for the fun and cuteness of it, giving the chicks away to like-minded homesteader types. (Of which there are a plethora of in our town.) I still hear stories from friends about that first Roo's offspring.

This past winter a marauding dog, coyotes, opossums and raccoons killed almost all of my flock. I only have two of the old hens left, and a couple little banties that sort of turned up over the winter. I rebuilt the coop, fences and keep live traps set at all times.

Now it is time to rebuild my flock. I am leaning in the direction of Americaunas, specifically blue and lavender, and I am also planning on setting up a trio to breed sexlinked chicks from, as I want my chicken-habit to become self-supporting.

So, here I am! Looking for help and support and ready and willing to share what I have learned thus far, and making a simple request: please, don't be a stranger!

Welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you will fit right in here! Sorry about the losses in your flock. You might want to stop by our learning center and read up on predators and how to protect your flock....


And if you have any specific questions, you can ask in our Predators and Pest Forums for lots of help with something...


Good luck with your new flock! Feel free to pull up a roost bar and welcome to our flock!!
Thanks! I will check it out. I have a new tool in my arsenal: a motion detector. If i set it outside the closed up coop and it goes off I get to exact a little revenge with my .22 ;)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your flock rebuilding! Sorry about all the predator problems you have had over the winter. a 22 sounds like a nice way to solve the problem permanently, TwoCrows gave you some good links to the Predator forums.
In case you haven't seen them, there is a huge general Ameraucana thread, and the Lavenders have a thread of their own also https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...-posting-pictures-and-discussing-our-birdsand https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/683425/lavender-ameraucana-breeders-unite they are quite often offered in the Buy-Sell-Trade forum also as hatching eggs or chicks.
Wow! Thanks! My friend who breeds show bantams had some pretty disparaging things about raising an unrecognized breed, so I'm glad to hear there are "others" like me. Here is my main man.

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