Well this can't be good.

So amazingly, sparkle is still with us. She basically stopped eating, and was down to an abhorrent 2lbs 12oz. Just when I was working myself up to put her down myself, she started eating again! She's still very very underweight, but her appitite is good and her attitude is so much better. So doesn't want to be in the crate anymore, and begs to be let out.
So, when the weather permits, I put her outside with the a buddy and that seems to perk her up even more. She's been removed from the flock for so long though, it's going to be rough getting her back in the pecking order. Only one of the girls will be with her without attaking her :(
I still don't know what has been the cause of all this. Even now, she still has diarreah and her food is often still not digested well, to the point of pellets of feed still in pellet shape when she eliminates. I've been thinking maybe a gizzard issue?
She's got electrolites and probiotics in her water. I'm offering her normal layer feed and a variety of sprouts and live mealworms. The occasional scratch, I'm just so happy to see her eating!! I know she's not out of the woods by any stretch, but at least there's a glimmer of hope.
Has she been wormed, since it looked like she had a small worm in her droppings? She may have some intestinal infection, such as enteritis which can be treated with antibiotics. I would get a few fresh droppings tested by a vet for worms, coccidia, and a gram stain for enteritis. Passing undigested food can be a symptom of enteritis.
Has she been wormed, since it looked like she had a small worm in her droppings? She may have some intestinal infection, such as enteritis which can be treated with antibiotics. I would get a few fresh droppings tested by a vet for worms, coccidia, and a gram stain for enteritis. Passing undigested food can be a symptom of enteritis.

Thank you! She has been wormed, once this summer with rooster booster 3 way (I think that's what it was called, I'd have to hunt down the bottle to be more certain) and ivermectin when she first became ill and I thought it might be gapeworms. I picked apart that poo when you thought you saw a worm and it wasn't, just a stringy bit of poo. Totally disintegrated when I poked at it with a toothpick.

I've not heard of enteritis before, an intestinal infection would make sense though. I will see if I can get a fecal done. Thank you again

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