Well, Tickle My Feathers!

chick-a- doodle

Nov 6, 2015
Smith County, TN
My Coop
My Coop
I'm new to this forum and to chickens, but, I grew up on a typical middle TN family farm. My dad raised pigs and cows, had goats and sheep, grew corn and tobacco, and, of course, a large garden for his family. In other words, I'm a farm girl! My daddy called me Doodle ever since I can remember. I don't know why-maybe I should ask him. Anyway, back to my story...A few months ago, I saw a tv show which talked of store bought vs free range chicken (as meat), which touched a passion in me to start raising my own chickens. [I try to eat healthy and exercise, run 5K races as a hobby with my hubby.] Healthwise, it seemed logical for me to start with egg layers. After all, we eat eggs every day and I have six grandboys nearby...so, eggs are always needed! I consumed much information about chicken coops, chicken tractors and chickens. I am happily OCD [ObessiveChickenDisorder?] I designed a good "starter" tractor, bought supplies, and pullets [3 RIR, 3 White Leghorns, 2 Barred Rocks] from 3 different sources, and my flock is off to a good start. I can't tell you how many times I have read on this forum for wisdom and I appreciate it so much! So, today, I joined BYC. Maybe one day I can contribute something helpful to a newbie, but, I expect I will be lurking for a long while or asking newbie questions! Oh, also, I ordered 1000 mealworms (again, reading a lot about it) and have prepared to receive them in a few days. Again, it seems logical to grow mealworms for my girls. Boy, are they gonna love me!
I'm new to this forum and to chickens, but, I grew up on a typical middle TN family farm.  My dad raised pigs and cows, had goats and sheep, grew corn and tobacco, and, of course, a large garden for his family.  In other words, I'm a farm girl!  My daddy called me Doodle ever since I can remember.  I don't know why-maybe I should ask him.  Anyway, back to my story...A few months ago, I saw a tv show which talked of store bought vs free range chicken (as meat), which touched a passion in me to start raising my own chickens.  [I try to eat healthy and exercise, run 5K races as a hobby with my hubby.]  Healthwise, it seemed logical for me to start with egg layers.  After all, we eat eggs every day and I have six grandboys nearby...so, eggs are always needed!  I consumed much information about chicken coops, chicken tractors and chickens.  I am happily OCD [ObessiveChickenDisorder?] I designed a good "starter" tractor, bought supplies, and pullets [3 RIR, 3 White Leghorns, 2 Barred Rocks] from 3 different sources, and my flock is off to a good start.  I can't tell you how many times I have read on this forum for wisdom and I appreciate it so much!  So, today, I joined BYC.  Maybe one day I can contribute something helpful to a newbie, but, I expect I will be lurking for a long while or asking newbie questions!  Oh, also, I ordered 1000 mealworms (again, reading a lot about it) and have prepared to receive them in a few days.  Again, it seems logical to grow mealworms for my girls. Boy, are they gonna love me!   

Welcome to byc. . Sounds like your off to a great start..
I would also like to say my profile picture is of a 5 foot tall bird I made, a wearable costume / puppet. I make these of various sizes and animals for a theatre group I direct. I have made many birds of this type!
Welcome to BYC!

I like the costume you made, makes a cute avatar!

You have good egg layers in your mixed flock, that should help with all the grandkids. Have you checked out the Learning Center here on BYC? It's full of good articles that will help you along the way.

And if you need help, always feel free to ask.

Just consider us your support group!
Thank you for the Welcomes!

Yes, NorthFLChick, I have visited the Learning Center numerous times and I'm sure to be there more since I have so much to learn! I can say BYC provided me with the information I needed to choose the breeds I did.

I appreciate all the support I can get!
Very nice avatar - would be nice if "Sesame Street " would sign him (?) up - Glad you joined us at Backyard chickens.

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