Welsh Harlequin Breed Club

Thank you! The hens' legs are oh-so-slowly darkening to black, lol. I'm worried that Eris's legs won't darken, which would make me sooo sad! Thoth isn't as long as the others, so she's really going to be just for eating eggs unless I decide to sell her to someone who's just interested in egg production or just wants a pretty bird.

The ladies haven't started laying yet, but hopefully they do soon!
his name is bambi lol he kept falling over when he was a young chick, hes about 10 months old
I'm interested in forming a club also. If the members strive towards breeding for the standard. And loads of photos of all ages of ducks to guide the breeders to quality end results. I'd even pay for and create the website for the first year, then members pay for the website and I'll still maintain it for free. I've been using siteground and you can get an idea of how versitile it can be by going to HTTP://Native-American-Academy.com to check it out.

My first batch of Harlequins were local bought from a craigslist ad. Way below standard with the hens being almost white with a few markings. Sad part is I really liked the light marking on a snowy background. Got hooked on prolific egg production.

Bought second batch from Mertzer and sold the first batch so there would be no cross breeding. No choice of silver or gold. What I got was all silver with no consistancy of color or patterns. Some really lite colored.

Third batch from Holderreads standard choice all siver. I was happy with this bunch as they reproduced like quality and great on egg production. But then I decided I also wanted gold.

Most recent batch 12 top show quality, 6 silver and 6 gold. I am amazed at the difference. While some of the 12 look just like the standard bunch I bought the ones who stand out really stand out. The males all have brilliant markings and look like they have been stamped. I have 6 males and will only need two so I will be selling 4. They are so alike that I won't be waiting til full maturity but will sell them after the holidays. And let buyers have their pick. Almost all the hens have gotten the blackish bills and now the legs have started to darken.

In a couple months I will be selling all the eggs til I get my pens done to seperate the colors.

So if your serious to buy TSQ harlequins I'd go to Holderreads. Save time and $$ and start at the top. You can always sell the extras or get together and split the costs.

I'm a definite go on the club. Just contact me if you get started.
That is great you are willing to help so much with a web site. Our family will be visiting Oragon this Holiday season. I am hoping to get a chance to visit the Holderreads. I know there are a few families who are trying to get the gold WH accepted into the standard. I think Dave and his wife Milie would have some good ideas as to the starting of a WH breed club to support the cause and promote the breed. Millie said a lot would depend on how busy the farm was, I'll keep you all posted if I do get a chance to meet up with them. Is anyone on this thread showing WH at this time? Been to any shows, what has the interest been like at the shows?Are people liking the breed? I am mostly interested in egg production and meat but would be happy to go to a show here and there for the fun of it.
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I've been seeking a silver drake for several weeks... in my mind's eye he is so very much like this one! (But I am in California, so not suggesting anything other than a compliment!). How did you do in the shows?
I'm currently runnig an ad in the classifie for TSQ Harlequins. Drakes n Eggs. My original stock came from Holderreads TSQ ducklings. And this weekend I'll start a website for the National Welsh Harlequin Breed Club. Joinig will be free for the first 3 months and then members can decide what to charge to become future members.
hi all
yes he done well in the show ,if you guys and girls need a hand starting a site up let me know ,im based in wales in the uk . The drake is gold not silver .Gold is the true welsh harl !!!!!.We have an oficial club in the uk and post a link if any body wants it .
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