Welsh Harlequin

White and runny poop is pretty normal for ducks and ducklings. Ducklings really don't need to go swimming until they feather out. You need to make sure that if they get wet you dry them off very well so they don't get chilled, as this can kill them. You might try putting some vitamin/electrolyte mix in its water. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to tell you. You might look on some of the duck posts to see what others advise for sick ducklings.
Keep him in a warm brooding tub, electrolites and probiotics can only help, not hurt him. He might have gotten damp to the skin and taken a bit of a chill.
If your not feeding him a growing mash that accounts for the extra niacin that ducklings need, you could suppliment that in his water as well.
The poop isn't unusual, but the lack of energy is. Ducks tend to be franetic in spirts. One gets up to do something like eat and everyone just has to eat
right at that very second. After a spirt of activity, the ducks or ducklings will settle down and sleep. If he is not exhibiting this kind of behavior, he might
be ill, it's so hard to tell, sometime is it is personality or illness.


Thank you guys very much but now I have another question. My other duck is finally showing that it is getting feathers but there seems to be a noticeable lump on the side of its neck, it acts fine like nothing is wrong. He is also abit shaky in his legs.
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Question, can you get both silver and gold ducklings from the same parents? Meaning do you have to have a gold parent to get gold ducklings? I'm wanting some of these guys and want some of both colors :)
You can get a gold from two silver and visa versa.
I am wondering how to tell the difference between gold and silver in my almost four week old Welsh Harlequin Soleil. This is what she looks like now, just beginning to feather out. Is it possible to tell now or do I just have to wait until she feathers out completely? Is there things I should look for for either color?

I am going to try and take a good picture of her tomorrow. Getting her to sit still is HARD! :)
Wanted to share pics of my WH babies I got yesterday.

Sophie and my only unnamed baby. Both Silver phase girls I think.

Willow, a girl for sure but I am confused about her coloring. Is she even a WH, they did send me an extra. I asked in another thread but thought I would stick it out here too.

Sapphire and Adelaide darling sweetheart sliver girls.

Winthrop and Wilberforce my handsome lovey boys!

Love the boys

and last but not least Edyth and Eloise, what I believe to be Gold phase.

Just HAD to share!
I am wondering how to tell the difference between gold and silver in my almost four week old Welsh Harlequin Soleil. This is what she looks like now, just beginning to feather out. Is it possible to tell now or do I just have to wait until she feathers out completely? Is there things I should look for for either color?

I am going to try and take a good picture of her tomorrow. Getting her to sit still is HARD! :)
I got some pictures of her today. They are not great as I took them with my phone, and she's feathering out so she is looking really scraggly and strange these days, but you can get an idea of her coloring. I read in another thread that silvers have black whereas golds have dark brown, and she has got a lot of black, so is she a silver then? Also, her head is really dark. Is that normal?


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