Welsh Harlequin

I'm crossing my fingers for a girl for you! I have two Saxonies who the breeder believed were a boy and a girl at 7 weeks, because one wasn't nearly as loud as the others. She had a lot of experience with WHs but these were her first Saxony babies. Turns out one was just kind of quiet - now (thankfully!) I have two loud quacking girls!

So I'm thinking maybe your duck is a mix, and that's why she has features that don't quite fit with a female WH? I think mine is a gold-phase WH, but may be mixed too. I know she's a girl now because she started laying eggs three days ago. Yay!

Here she is, for comparison. Her name is Satski. Same yellow beak and legs as yours, I think, but no dark head..

(Satski, with the 11 week old Saxonies in back - Lucky and Chichikukuyama)

Isn't she just the cutest?

I got her another silver WH as a friend, since the Saxonies are sisters and are really close (and huge!) Here she is for comparison..

My daughter named her WiggleTail :)

Great pictures :)

As I said, it's not a big deal. I guess we can only wait and see is (s)he decides to quack

Hi everyone.

So we got a Welsh Harlequin duckling a few weeks ago from mcMurray.. They only had straight run so we were not sure what we were getting. When it got to us it had a yellow beak with a dark tip so we assumed it was a hen, but now we are not sure anymore :)
It's 7 weeks old now, and it's beak is bright yellow as you can see in the picture. While some of the other breeds we got have started quacking, this one hasn't. It's still chirping though so I can't say it's definitely a raspy drake quack.
Does anyone have experience with Welsh Harlequin and is it too early to figure out the sex?
I believe we'll keep it no matter what, but depending on its sex we'll have to switch our Rouen Drakeling with a Hen (we'd like to avoid having 2 drake for 5 hens).

Thanks a lot :)
Picked these little girls up from my post office yesterday from Meyers. All Welsh Harlequins which is a new duck for me.

They got to go out and play in the sunshine for a little while today since it was so beautiful out!

One of our three WH ducklings (4 weeks old) is making a bit of a honking sound. Does that typically turn to a hen's quack or a drake's no quack? Thx

I am assuming the darkest headed duckling is a male but not sure of the other two. They look different and one is whiter than the other. The ducklings are from Holderread and are supposed to be show quality.

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