Welsummer laying WHITE egg?


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
Last summer I bought a couple of Welsummers at a local Trader Days. They were being sold as pullets so I knew they were probably from a hatchery and probably wouldn't lay dark brown eggs. I like the look of the breed so laying dark brown eggs would have been a plus. One started laying last week and is laying a light/medium brown egg. The other started laying yesterday and it was white! What the heck?

I know it was the other Welsummer. It was a pullet egg. My other layers are a year old and are EEs. I guess she just wants to be special and do something different.
I'm very new to chickens but could it be a brown leghorn, they kind of look alike don't they??? Ahhh don't laugh at my stupidness!
I will admit it crossed my mind. I haven't looked them up to know what one looks like. She has the color of the other welsummer but not the same build. It was almost funny when I collected the eggs and saw the white one. I'm used to brown, green, or blue. I think I just stared for a minute.

I think I'll go look up Brown Leghorns right now.
Yep they kinda look alike on google photos. My sister has brown, green and white egg layers. Fun to have so many colors! I guess I do to... but my one white egg layer is a blue polish and she's not laying yet.
Just went and looked at pictures. Yep, Brown Leghorn. She even has that white spot on the side of the head. Well that explains it. She's a pretty bird. The coloring is very much like the Welsummer. Not sure if the mix up was with the hatchery or the person selling them at the Trader Days.
that white spot is her earlobe. Mostly (but not always) the earlobe colour determines the colour of the egg that they will lay. Red lobes and they will lay brown eggs, white lobes mean they will lay white eggs.
the lady that sold me my roo told me he was a welsummer, but after finding this forum, i found out he was a brown leghorn
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