Welsummer pullet or cockerel?


Jun 5, 2017
I'm 99% sure this is a cockerel based on the bright red comb and the early appearance of some small wattles, but I'd like y'alls opinion as well. It's also very wiry and jumpy compared to the others. This morning it had a hold of the white frizzle chicks neck feathers and was dragging her around the coop.

I bought four chicks at TSC a couple weeks ago and this is the only one I'm questioning it's sex. I bought two frizzles, a black sex-link, and this little Welsummer.

What a crazy little fella. I agree that he doesn't look pure Welsummer if a Welly at all. That's one of the breeds I have the most of. He actually kind of looks like a Speckled Sussex in feathering to me.
Thank you all so much for your replies! Cockerel it is. I really don't need another one, but it is what it is. I already have an Ameraucana roo (he's the boss), a Buff Orp roo (shy newcomer within the last two months), and a bantam frizzle roo (gets picked on all the time, doesn't fuss with the hens much except the bantam cochin). And...only 12 hens

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