

On the Hill
12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
central louisiana
I am seeing alot of Wendy's on here. I have been on here since the spring of 2007 just curious how many of us there are.

Is Wendy your real name? Mine is short for something else. A name I really don't like much. I will tell my short story

My dad had 3 daughters. 14 y/o, 12 y/o, 10 y/o, well what happens OPPS! They find out they are having another child. This is pre sonograms! Hoping for a boy (poor dad
) They have another girl! Dad name is Wendell Stanley (left last name out)
So what does my dad name me?
Wendelyn (pronounced like Qwendelyn
) Thus the short name of Wendy

But mom said she wanted to name me Stephanie
Guess she lost that fight
. Stephanie would have been much better. I use to say when I was mad, I am going to change my name when I grow up!
Never did!

Sorry, guess this is not so short
(Please forgive me)

Yep, I'm a Wendy too! It's my real first name.
My grandmother always thought I should have a "proper" first name, and called me Gwendolyn!
MY name is Wendy! Just Wendy...My middle name starts with S and when I was young and running on the wild side I had a guy friend whose name was Terry. I told him he did something like a girl and we all started calling him Theresa. So everyone's name got flipped to the opposite sex version - I became Wendle Samuel and some of my friends still call me "Wendles" and sometimes they call me Wendelynn too but I'm just plain ole Wendy for real.
My parents named me John Christoper ____ before I was born. Then when I was born they named me Carol Christine ____. We had a similiar pre-sonagram situation.

The nurse noted that my prenatal heart beat was exceptionally fast. She told my folks that boys have higher heart rates, and though you normally can't tell from that, mine was just too high to possibly be a girl. My poor brother alread had 2 sisters and thought he was going to get a little brother.
I love your real name!

I named my daughter Stephanie after my then-husband Stephen, but I wanted to name her Jamie. My ex wouldn't let me since Jamie is the name of my first true love. We got divorced when our daughter was 10 months old. I shoulda changed her name.
Their Other Mother - can I ask what part of AZ you are in? I am in AZ too... On the border of Paradise Valley/Scottsdale/North Phoenix to be more exact.

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