Went out this morning and found Raccoon prints in the mud!

Our neighbors at the back of our property have been hand-feeding racoons for years, I dispatched a few, but they continue to be there every year.

Last year, my wife turned them into the Department of Fish and Game and their officer talked to our irresponsible neighbors and then the officer had to investigate their "Racoon Rescue", they pretended it was legit and it was really just them hand-feeding the local resident racoons that were having their litters in the wall of their garage, a freaking nest! I don't know what happened next, expect I haven't noticed any racoons in my yard, but I have heard them screaming near by. What is with all the screaming? So annoying.

The best thing for us to do is build a really strong coop and run, fully secure from attack. I let my flock free range in the yard, when I know that I will be around at dark to lock them up.

So sorry for your previous losses on your flock. I have not experienced that in my two years of chicken raising.
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It is fun to see the activity going on at night while we sleep via the game cam. I would get one too,but with limited income I had to opt for the trap,which for me was a better investment.
Yep thats why I'm using the traps now, and will even if I get a camera ! I want to catch them not just watch them but would really like to see whats out there though! LOL I know about the limited income thing thats why I hoping that I can get one around tax time.

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