West of England pigeon-need advice


12 Years
Apr 28, 2008
South Lyon, Michigan
I rescued a beautiful boy 3 years ago after he was found in a backyard very weak. He’s been happy and healthy in an outdoor aviary with other pigeons and a few chickens that are healthy as well. He has been itching his face and has some feather loss on his head and face, but I can see new feathers growing in. He is also weak and not flying around. He just walks around and can jump up into the coop, but not his usual self.....not dancing for his lady friends. I inspected him for mites and lice, but do not see anything. I treated him anyway with a QTip dab of ivermectin to back of his neck 3 days ago but he’s still itching. Today I put some DE on his skin in hopes that might help. He’s eating and drinking fine. Poops look normal too. Any ideas? I’ve grown so fond of this little guy I just want him to feel better.
I rescued a beautiful boy 3 years ago after he was found in a backyard very weak. He’s been happy and healthy in an outdoor aviary with other pigeons and a few chickens that are healthy as well. He has been itching his face and has some feather loss on his head and face, but I can see new feathers growing in. He is also weak and not flying around. He just walks around and can jump up into the coop, but not his usual self.....not dancing for his lady friends. I inspected him for mites and lice, but do not see anything. I treated him anyway with a QTip dab of ivermectin to back of his neck 3 days ago but he’s still itching. Today I put some DE on his skin in hopes that might help. He’s eating and drinking fine. Poops look normal too. Any ideas? I’ve grown so fond of this little guy I just want him to feel better.View attachment 2102118
He is very handsome! That you observe he seems weak is of most concern, especially since he is housed with chickens. Hard to know what might be wrong, so lot's of pigeon keepers use a 3 in one or 4 in one remedy that covers several common diseases. Its good to hear he is eating and drinking fine. I'm not sure why he is still itching either. The Ivermectin should take care of parasites.:confused:
Best of luck that he recovers soon.

JMO but I would avoid using DE on the bird, especially if it might be inhaled into the lungs.
Does he get a chance to bathe frequently? Unlike chickens, pigeons want a water bath. Does he have access to the appropriate grit?
If I suspect Coccidiosis I prefer to treat using Amprolium in the water.
You may want to consider dissolving a couple of Tablespoons of Borax(look for 20Mule Team brand in the detergent section)
in the bath water as a preventative for parasites.
If he get too weak he should probably be isolated from the chickens in case they might attack.
Please update on how he is doing.
One other thing I didn't think of is you might want to worm
him, … I think I would even try that first given his symptoms are fairly non specific. There is a wormer in that same link I just sent. Avio Coxiworm

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