Western 4-H Horse Show- Attire Help??? Please!


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Proudly Born in the USA
So this is going to be my first year that I will be participating in "real" horse shows. Most likely Western Pleasure, Western Equitation, Trail, Western Showmansip... etc.

Sooo what should I wear? I have new Ariat Fatbaby boots, and black jeans, and a sparkly longsleeved button down wrangler shirt. I also have a nice belt and buckle.

Do I need those tight and fancy rhinestone shirts???

please give me as much info as you can! Any horse show help would b much appreciated!

As a former 4H horse person.... here's my 2 cents.

Sounds like what you have is plenty good enough. Make sure your shirt is ironed and buttoned properly, including the wrist buttons. Make sure it fits and tuck it in. If you're a girl I'd recommend braiding your hair nicely if it's long, and skip heavy make up.

I wouldn't go too flashy unless that is considered "the norm" for your area.

And concentrate on your showing technique, and do not show anger at your mount if it doesn't do something right! I once came in last because I slapped the neck of my pony mix when she was acting up in the ring.
As a former 4H horse person.... here's my 2 cents.

Sounds like what you have is plenty good enough. Make sure your shirt is ironed and buttoned properly, including the wrist buttons. Make sure it fits and tuck it in. If you're a girl I'd recommend braiding your hair nicely if it's long, and skip heavy make up.

I wouldn't go too flashy unless that is considered "the norm" for your area.

And concentrate on your showing technique, and do not show anger at your mount if it doesn't do something right! I once came in last because I slapped the neck of my pony mix when she was acting up in the ring.
Thanks. I originally thought that I was good too, but I ride with these girls (i'm a girl too, LOL), and they wear the flashy $150+ show shirts, and i'm pretty sure i'll be in most of their classes, but I don't want to look like the bum! I hate perfect people. ;p

I am leasing Ranger (the QH i'm showing), and my leasee/trainer/riding instructor/coach and I really haven't talked abt it.... this probably sounds stupid, but im pretty stressed about it. You should see what these girls wear.

But a good judge wont judge on that, will he?
A good judge will focus on your horsemanship, and not your shirt. A good, neat appearance (in appropriate western wear) is pretty much all that is needed.

I showed a borrowed horse for many years, and almost always in a borrowed western shirt as well. :)
I put together a couple show outfits for under $40 by buying from the clearance rack at kohls and goodwill.
I dont show big horses but do minis and I look pretty darj good in my outfits.
I put together a couple show outfits for under $40 by buying from the clearance rack at kohls and goodwill.
I dont show big horses but do minis and I look pretty darj good in my outfits.
Yeah, thanks! Ya do look good!
Whew, so glad I (hopefully) won't be expected to go out and buy a few hundred dollars in show clothes that i'll only wear a few times...
We'll see what my trainer says. :/

I'm taller (5'9'') and built bigger than any of the others I show with, and they're like; "oh, you can wear my clothes!" and i'm like ummmmm... because they're like a 6 and i'm a 12! LOL. We'll see...

Thank you so much for the pics!
I never spent a lot on my show clothes in 4-H. Western can be such an expense!

Sounds like what you is perfect, especially for the riding classes. A big smile and neat appearance is key. It is nice to compliment your horse's color with your outfits if you can though. But I never really worried too much about that.

For halter and showmanship, I wore a sort of "sports jacket" that I borrowed from my trainer. I think I have some old pictures I can show you!

These are olddd pictures, but give you an idea of how I dressed. I mostly did speed classes, but had to show halter and some of the walk/jog/lope classes to participate.


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