Wet chick after 7 hours


7 Years
Oct 2, 2016
First time hatching chicks in incubator. First one hatched about seven hours ago and still looks like this. He’s very active, pecking at things occasionally and chirps loudly enough that I can hear him from upstairs but -how wet is too wet? Initially thought he just looked silky/oily but when he moves there’s teeny tiny water droplets from where he was sitting and if he sits against another egg it looks damp. When he sleeps it almost seems like he’s shivering a little at times, not constant. Do chicks shiver or is it just because he’s a newborn? Should I leave him till morning or get him out under the heat lamp? I don’t really want to take him out because of the other eggs getting ready to hatch unless someone says he’s way too wet. Thanks for any help
Here’s pic
I stayed up worrying about him and reading (again) all I could and in the end I left him in the incubator and went to bed at 3 am because even though he didn’t look so great he was acting fine. He finally fluffed up mid morning today. He’s now under the brooder and looks completely healthy and is fluffy dry. When I read that chicks should be dry within a few hours I was picturing the fluffy dry chicks you see in Easter commercials. They do not look like this. 🐣 Thanks BirdsBeesTrees and JacinLarkwell!

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