Wet meat birds

Grace Layne

6 Years
Nov 6, 2017
We got about 6 inches of rain last night and our 5 week old meat birds (are in a chicken tractor) were cold and wet for about 6 hours. It was about 55 degrees outside. We put some hay down for them to lay in and moved there 2 heat lamps lower. Is there anything else that you would recommend doing? Thanks!
Our tractor is covered by a tarp we have not figured out how they got so wet, they are completely sheltered on all sides. I think it was just the pure volume of rain we had. Thanks!
I had a similar issue this past spring. A fox had dug under the pens and took 12+ chickens one night. The remaining chickens were freaked out the next morning and, during a cold rain, stayed out in the open section of the pen and got soaked - real soaked. I put two heat lamps (well secured) in each pen and within a few hours the birds were dried out and getting themselves back to normal. Fox was dealt with the next evening :)

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