What’s up with these duck eggs?


Oct 17, 2020
I have 3 female khaki campbell ducks, only a year old, and recently I’ve noticed they’re laying a lot of twin eggs. They’re very small ducks, so the eggs are nearly the size of their heads :rolleyes:
Just wondering what might cause this, considering about 70% of the eggs are twins. The ducks are in a large fenced in pen and have a diet of almost exclusively grass/bugs but are also fed basic All Flock grains.

Here’s a photos for reference:

Only two eggs in this picture, one separated twin and one conjoined!
I would say this isn't anything to worry about, it could be because they are still young and their reproductive cycle is not yet fully synchronized ( this is more common in chickens I think), when ducks lay small eggs it generally means they aren't getting very good nutrients, so I guess they are good at finding lots of bugs and are getting great nutrients from the size of them.
I will add some people who probably know more than me on this @Miss Lydia @Quatie @BelovedBirds

in some cultures, a double yolk is known as good luck so maybe you are just lucky : ), but it is weird as usually this is found in about 1 in 1000 eggs so let's hope someone else has more answers than me.
When my Buffs started laying that is all they laid was double yolks. A few times their eggs were so large I thought my goose was laying but she had already stopped laying when these girls started. After around a year they stopped with the doubles and I haven't had one since. They will be 7yrs old this coming April. I would offer these girls some oyster shell separate from their feed so you know they are getting plenty of calcium.
I’ve noticed they’re laying a lot of twin eggs.
Reproductive hiccups like double or multi yolks are not uncommon in young, new, or returning layers.. though definitely not preferred due to the egg size (as you noted) possibly causing binding. I've had chicken eggs weigh over 100 grams!

Although the following article is about chickens.. I'm fairly certain there can be some correlation and take away's for ducks as well.. Scroll down for yolks..


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