What’s wrong with my chick

Sep 27, 2018
somethings wrong with one of my chicks, it was the last one to hatch about 2-4 days after everyone else,
It’s quite clumsy and has something wrong with its head, it keeps trying stand up y’all but then falls, but I’m more concerned about it’s head, it also keeps falling over onto its back and then struggles to get up right
Sometimes chicks hatch with an edema there, but never seen one like that. The shape of it makes me wonder if it's skin over brain tissue. Whatever it is, I don't think you can do anything except wait and see. Hopefully it is just fluid and it will resolve on it's own.
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Sometimes chicks hatch with an edema there, but never seem one like that. The shape of it makes me wonder if it's skin over brain tissue. Whatever it is, I don't think you can do anything except wait and see. Hopefully it is just fluid and it will resolve on it's own.
Should I put it with my other chicks it’s feathers have fluffed out

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