What’s wrong?


Apr 4, 2021
Hi my 5 week old chick started sneezing, her nose makes a noise and seems to open her beak often in the last day. She is active, eating and drinking. The other chick doesn’t have any symptoms. They have been shortly visiting the yard the last two weeks and have eaten worms. I clean their water often. They are still inside the majority of the day.
could it be the dust? A cold? Gape worm?
How do I know and how do I treat them? Thanks!
I would not think it is gape worm this quickly. Is the sneezing continuous or just some random sneezes? If she has been digging around could her nares (nostrils be clogged? I would use a damp (not soaking wet) q tip and see if there is anything blocking them.
Does she sound congested? When did this start? Are the still under a heat lamp when inside?

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