What age are chick safe outside in 20-degree weather?


In the Brooder
May 14, 2018
We have 6 chicks ranging in age from 6-8 weeks old. We would like to move them outside to their new coop, but the temperatures have been in the 20s at night and only in the 40s during the day. The coop is draft free and has straw they can nest in if so desired. The two older chicks have spent the past two days outside during the day, but the other 4 have not yet been outside. A few questions:

1) Can we move all the chicks outside now (permanently - day and night), or do we need to work on acclimating the other 4?
2) Are all 6 chicks old enough to be outside all night (without a heat lamp) with the temperatures this cold?
3) If no to the above, can they all be outside at night if they have a heat lamp?
4) The heat lamp we currently have is only 60 watts - is that enough or do we need something stronger?

Thank you!
Do you have heat on them now, in the house?

if not, then if they are fully feathered, they can go outside. Check them the first night to see if they are distressed, ie. peeping loudly, piled up in corner (which can smother the ones on the bottom) or other signs of being cold. They may need a wool hen to acclimate to such cold temps, but the sooner you get them outside, the sooner they will grow the feathers they need to stay warm all winter.
Try to acclimate them to the outside temps. Since they haven’t been outside, you could use the heat lamp, even with 60 watt bulb. However, double secure it so it can’t be knocked off/fall off and hit the shavings, which might ignite. They are old enough to be outside, but since they haven’t acclimated I’d be more conscious of how they are acting/behaving. If you add the heat lamp, my guess is they will only use it for a couple of days.
Do you have heat on them now, in the house?

if not, then if they are fully feathered, they can go outside. Check them the first night to see if they are distressed, ie. peeping loudly, piled up in corner (which can smother the ones on the bottom) or other signs of being cold. They may need a wool hen to acclimate to such cold temps, but the sooner you get them outside, the sooner they will grow the feathers they need to stay warm all winter.

They aren't under a heat lamp, just the general temp of our home. Most are fully feathered, except our salmon faverolle, who is 7 weeks, but still appears to have some down on her belly.
Try to acclimate them to the outside temps. Since they haven’t been outside, you could use the heat lamp, even with 60 watt bulb. However, double secure it so it can’t be knocked off/fall off and hit the shavings, which might ignite. They are old enough to be outside, but since they haven’t acclimated I’d be more conscious of how they are acting/behaving. If you add the heat lamp, my guess is they will only use it for a couple of days.

Thank you! Do you think 60 watts is warm enough or should we get a warmer bulb?

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