What age chicken should I get?

I thought aseel were good as pets because they were bred for cock fighting which involves a lot of human handling and being calm with humans. Heard they are intelligent as well? Besides I just love their tall look and the fact that you don't have to be afraid of predators (cats and crows) because I've seen aseels fight back. 

p.s: I hate cockfights and think they are brutal incase you think I am buying it for that.

I can't speak for this breed but when I was younger a
Neighbor had fighting chickens(I know horrible) they were so mean and our very sweet lab killed one who escaped one time personally I would stay away from them and I don't believe any rooster can be as sweet and loving as a hen
Young ones for sure!!!!! It'll be fun to see them feather in and mature. :)
As for holding them, well my hens let me pick them up and they sit on my shoulder and everything. Once your chickens get to know you, they'll be comfortable with you. :)

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