Red, if you own the bird in your avatar pic, although it's hybridized, he should be flighty enough for you.
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i don't its just a google pic and how did u know that

The pic you found on google should lead you to the owner(s) who owns the bird or have birds like that. If you're wondering how I knew it was a hybrid, although I'm no pro at it, I'd have to say it's due to lots of reading and viewing of pictures of what the pure specimens are supposed to look like (for some birds, it's easier to tell than others). It's still a beautiful bird though...all those bright colors.
they won't learn what is a danger like a hawk just like the chicken i have this year i think i will like a hen who knows what is danger and what is not or is there some other way to tell them and there only one way for them to learn is to get one killed by a hawk to know but i don't want it to happen
Lol, junglefowl will know plenty well how to avoid a hawk. They're very attentive and crazy. But, any bird runs the risk of being caught by a predator if there is access for such things to occur. The birds know instinctively how to avoid hawks and other predators, it doesn't matter if they have been raised by you, mother hen, or somehow themselves; unless they have faulty instincts which some domesticated breeds do, they will know how to avoid predators and being junglefowl you will be treated just like a predator as well. That is why I got rid of them. I like a bird that is smart enough to take care of itself and avoid predators, but I also want birds that don't view me as one so that I am capable of messing with them and catch them without them screaming and trying to get away. That is why I kept gamefowl and now Kraienköppe, even my Leghorns I am quite happy with.

God bless,
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