What age do chickens lay??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
My chickens are anywhere from just over 2 months to about 3 months old, when do they lay, by the end of summer maybe?
I have read that they begin to lay:

at 20 weeks
between 4 and 6 moths
at 26 weeks

Last year I got my first egg at 17 weeks, I believe from a leghorn.

Some breeds mature more slowly than others. EE's may take a year. Henderson's breed chart ranks them for maturity, though some feel this chart is not all that accurate.
average ages for non-production breeds are 20-26 weeks. production breeds average a bit earlier. But, individual birds can start earlier. The earliest account I have heard is 15.5 weeks from an EE.
ok, good to know, thank you everyone!
I cant wait for our first egg, im always running out, like now, i need eggs!
Don't worry they will lay and it's hard to wait lol, my 3 Rhode Islands Reds are about 22 weeks old and not laid yet but am looking forward to it very much!
My EE's are all getting ready to lay, with a few of them already started. They are 19 weeks today, and the first one laid on my daughter's birthday (May 25th) at 17.5 weeks.

I'm getting up to 3 eggs a day now, with more looking close!!
my barred rock laid her first egg at 5 months. my black copper laid her first today she is 6 months. my EE didn't start laying till they were a year old. watch for the squat if they are doing the squat then they are getting ready to lay.

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