What age do Guineas start to lay eggs???

Well that's what I've known/been told but these ladies have been hatched and raised with my pullets and they seem to be mimicking my chickens by checking out the nesting boxes, actually sitting in them or making themselves cozy in the corners of the coop by burrowing in the pine shavings as if to be forming a nesting site so I wondered if they might be following suit with the chickens or will they follow natural behaviors of their breed. Just wondering.
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My guineas that arrived May 28 with my chickens layed their first egg yesterday. I thought it was a freak first egg thing and was very surprised when I went out this afternoon to thaw the water in the coop and found another guinea egg in the same spot. They are almost 8 months. The guineas may have on odd first egg but would normally not lay until spring-here in Maine I think it is late March early April when they start. I think it depends on the weather where you are to a certian extent.
Thanks for your input. Again, I know they're seasonal layers but they also need to be of a certain age too to be productive. We were major "colder than normal" here during Dec. but now were just the extreme opposite for Jan. We're suppose to hit 60 degrees by Sunday! It may be confusing the guineas, I know I am! This is just too weird for Montana weather. I was able to give all my birds a treat by cleaning the coop today because of the warm spell we're having, I think I'll set up some hiding spots on the floor of the coop for the guineas and see what happens.

Well my girls answered my own question! Found two guinea eggs this morning , not only in the coop but in a nesting box! Now the big question is are they fertile or not since I do have a male. I suppose I can collect them for a few days then dust off my incubator and give it a shot.
Congratulations! I wish we would get a 60 day to make some mud and I'd clean the coop for sure. I have a male too but it is way to early to think about chicks for me. My husband is still doing a jig because I got the keets out of the dining room and then out of his garage in time for the winter. Good luck with your eggs. Keep us posted if you get any of those babies.
wow Ive never seen a guinea egg before the dog woods bloom,and usually way after ,and very few eggs with guineas penned up, If I was planning on hatching them I would save all the eggs you get, Because I dont think you will get many before mother nature finds out and puts them back on track
Well we never got that 60 degree day as predicted but as far as the guineas go, I just think, even though I hatched them and kept them inside for the their first month or so, they have more or less been taught by the pullets on the daily routine of the coop... you know, "When in Rome..." so to speak? I just wish I knew whether or not, they're fertile.
I see the 1 male chasing them around all the time but haven't actually witness any "hanky panky" between them.
First year layers are unpredictable. The same way some summer pullets will lay in nov and dec and for other people they won't see an egg before feb or march. The guineas may lay a few eggs and then stop and then start again. As they reach maturity in this next year they will begin to move into the seasonal laying and lay from May - October. They are very good at hiding a nest too.

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