what age do you put the young hens in with the older ones

I got a late start on the pen yesterday and now it looks like it will be Tuesday at the earliest before I can finish----Church today & an appt. in town tomorrow. The extra 220+ sq. ft. of run space should help. The younger birds will venture down the gang plank for a look around but soon return back up to the coop where they spend their days.

Sounds good.

Blessings. ~Dee~
Thanks! So far this morning things continue to be going good. I am happy, happy, happy.

I have a chicken tractor type coop we move around the paddock so the distance from floor to ceiling in the coop section is only about 4-5 feet high. We had some deer netting leftover so my DH screwed it to the walls top to bottom and with a batt across the floor to secure it. Depending on your situation and breed of chickens (flying capacity) you would need to customize it accordingly. (Deer netting is only $20 a roll at Home Depot BTW) If you have a large open space high ceiling coop I would imagine 5-6 ft. high would be appropriate for most breeds. My Barr Rock can fly over a 4 foot fence for example. Don't think she could make it over a 5 foot one though. Hope that helps. ~Dee~
Thank you DeesHens......
During free range time tonight one of the chicks went into the main coop and looked around for a while. Good sign!
I have 6 chickens getting two more chicks soon. 4 are P.O.L and 2 of them are going through the moult so they are around a year old. I have two two week old chicks. I no have two coops so the chicks when grow up will live in one coop and the older ones in another. I want to know at what age will my chicks be ready to introduce to my older hens? I have big 10 pound birds but I can tell how fast my chicks are growing and they will definitely get to that size. Also the two new chicks I am getting willl be onlly three weeks younger than my current chicks. So how would I introduce he new chicks to the older chicks? Sorry for any confusion...
well my pullts are now hen s wah! why do they have to grow so fast
b ut i'll always love them
technically, they are pullets until they are 1 year old, but a lot of people call any chicken that has started laying eggs a hen. And, yeah, I miss the little fluff ball stage... but not all of the work and worry associated with it. I like the eggs better.
True! They chicks are growing fast. I will be annoyed around the twelve week area as they wont be so cute and won't lay eggs...
Yeah, I have nine older hens and a rooster..I need to add two young pullets to the mix, they are about 12 weeks old and I let them all free range daily,but the young ones stay off to themselves. Additionally, I have a hen that's gone broody and I need to put her in the pen where the young ones are so she can set on eggs. Tomorrow is the big day..I will transfer them all at night and hope for the best!

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