What age do you put your pullets out overnight?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Here's my question: Can I put my 8 week old pullets out in a make shift coop (the real one isn't finished yet) for the night? I'm tired of having to get up early and get them into their run (which is finished! lol) and taking them in at night. I have a little make shift temp. coop until I build the pallet coop that I stole the idea from another BYC member, gmendoza. It looks so awesome and simple! I can't possibly mess it up. right?
Here's hoping. Our temps at night have been 50-55 degrees. The make shift coop is cinderblock on the bottom, with their brooder flipped over making a "top" if that makes sense. It is on the ground. My camera is such a pain, or I'd post a pic. They have plenty of food and water, in the run for when they come out tomorrow. If they do go in on their own, should I close off the doorway so that it's warmer in their?

Any tips on what I should do for their first night, or if anyone thinks this is totally a bad idea, please tell me!!! Thanks so much!
At 8 weeks they should be fully feathered, and no added heat will be needed. They might need to be closed off for safety from predators, but not for warmth.
Well, all my chicks go outside into their 4x4 brooder coop at a few days old with heat lamps. At about 6 or so weeks old, I take out the lights. Nights are usually in the mid 40's, with lows sometimes in the high 30's.

8 week old pullets can go out and stay out. As for tips, if they have never slept through a night without a night light, it may take a while to adjust. If you put a light on a dimmer and just keep turning it down over a week or so, eventually they will go to bed with the sun.
When I moved my girls out to their coop last October they were about 6 weeks. (I couldn't take the dust in my house anymore) I kept the heat lamp on for them in case they got cold at night. They did sleep under it for about another month after that. Our nights were getting colder though.
Honestly, can't tell you guys and gals how awesome you all are! Thanks for the info. I feel much better know.

Mine went into a temp coop (a large dog crate) at 6 weeks old until our chicken tractor was finished. Nights were in the 30's ad 40's. We did cover the kennel nightly with a blanket and if we expected rain or high winds - a tarp as well. One night was in the 20's and I went ahead and put them on our patio with a heatlamp and partially covered the kennel. At 8 weeks we moved them into their tractor! All is well!
I put 4 of my 7week old EE chicks out 2 nights ago. They were fine but I noticed during the day they would go into their shelter to get out of the wind. I think it;s still a little coolish... I can't bring them back in because I relocated the other age groups in the 4 different brooders.
As long as its above freezing and u get them used to colderr temp gradually ie garage first. Make sure run is VERY predator proof and close the door to temp coop. Good luck.

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