What age is it safe for our babies..


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
to stay in the coop all night... We built their new home yesterday.. We still have a few things left to do it.. but it should be ready for them to move in soon.. they are almost 5 weeks old.. I swear they change daily!

Here are a few pics from last week...



This and the next pic are from 2 weeks ago..

**edited to add.. at what age is it safe to give them "treats" and what do you give them???
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They are old enough if it's warm enough. I took mine out at 3 weeks old and they did fine. Take a look at them now on my Just sharing my pics ... post. See they are growing up nicely even though I put them out of the house at 3 wks.
Thank you so much! I've been worrying myself sick over doing the right thing lol! They were a birthday present for our 9 year old.. but I've sort of taken over! I think I spend more time out there with them than her! Must be the mother in me! *heading over to see your pictures*
well they were sort of afraid of the grass!
lol So we keep taking them out to get used to it and they keep jumping on our feet or whatever body part is closest! lol

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