What age to place chicks in a new coop/pen


Apr 21, 2016
Hi all,
I have 3 adorable chicks that we have had since they were 72 hours old and who are now 5 1/2 weeks. We have had them inside in a 4 x 4 foot covered pen. 1 Cochin, 1 Barnvelder and 1 Cuckoo Maran. All Hens hopefully. We have a 60 watt light bulb lamp on them when the temp goes under 75 at this point. They seem comfortable and playful. Their feathers are getting fuller by day. They are flying up and around the pen now and digging up their paper towels as they would do outside in the dirt. When can we put them outside? It's warm here but at night it gets cold. We are in Northern CA. East Bay area.
Generally speaking, chicks are good to go outside once they are fully feathered, which is generally around 6 weeks old. However, some breeds are a little slower to mature than others (Barnevelders for example). I would see how they did without a light/heat on while they are inside. If all goes well, move them outside, with no light/heat once they are 6-7 weeks old.

I am in Michigan and generally move my birds out to the coop with no heat source sometime between 6-7 weeks old. Even my Barnies have been outside with no heat source since they were 6 weeks old and that was about one month ago when the lows were in the mid 40s to mid 50s. So, I think you would be safe to do so in CA, especially now that it's June.
Sounds like a good plan :) I have noticed that my Barnvelder's feathers are not as full as the other two. I named them Meeka, Sadie and Julie :)
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