What am I doing wrong? Are they sick?

Sid Post

5 Years
I have Welsh Harlequin ducklings. They look fine and healthy and are very active. Last night I had 5 of 11 die. They have good water and plenty of feed. I can't see any sickness. They are are on dry clean wood shavings with a heat lamp up high in a 4'x4' brooder and are four weeks old.

Ambient temperatures is ~85F, no huddling and, they don't hang out or avoid the heat lamp. Humidity is pretty high with frequent intermittent light rain, though they are in the garage away from the chicks (~20'). They brooder is closed so they can't leave without my help.

There have been no significant changes recently.
Keep at least one refrigerated (around that temperature), in hopes you can get a necropsy done to find out what is wrong.

This time of year, if a mosquito carrying certain protozoans bites them, it could be fatal.

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